Favor, Can you Answer this Awesome! Survey on my Birthday?

Favor, can you answer my birthday survey about how we can improve and hep more people @ Our Awesome Planet?

Dear Awesome! Friends,

Greetings from Our Awesome Planet!

First of all, thank you for all the awesome support for 15 years (since 2005)!

As we prepare to bounce forward after the pandemic,  I would like to get suggestions and feedback on how the Awesome! team can help you survive, thrive and bounce forward during the pandemic.

Answer the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AwesomeSurvey2020

I read all the survey feedbacks (both positive and negative) and it directly influences my plans and directions for Our Awesome Planet.

AWESOME THANKS for caring enough to answer this survey!


Live an Awesome Life,


Founder, Our Awesome Planet

P.S. The best gift I receive on my birthday is always the gift of feedback. Answer the Awesome! Survey 2020 here.


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