Our Awesome Planet Survey: The Best Birthday Gift is the Gift of Feedback!

Dearest Our Awesome Planet Friends,

Awesome Greetings!

First of all, thank you for all the awesome support for 13 years (since 2005)! Thanks for the honest feedback in the survey last year which greatly influenced my directions for OAP and help me evolved over the years. After a year, I would like to get feedback on how OAP and Team Our Awesome Planet met your expectations.

Here’s the link for the Our Awesome Planet Survey 2018

We are changing our content and business model in 2018 and today is the turning point.

I want to make sure to incorporate as much feedback as possible on how to continue what’s working, to correct what’s not, and to understand your expectations for OAP for the years to come.

I’ve always considered you to be a crucial part of our advisory board and you can make a difference with your answers in the survey. Please answer the survey here: https://awesm.pl/OAPsurvey2018  which takes about 8 minutes to answer.

I read all the survey feedbacks (both positive and negative) and it directly influences my plans and directions for OAP.

AWESOME THANKS for caring enough to answer this survey!

Live an Awesome Life,
Founder and Creator, www.OurAwesomePlanet.com 

P.S. Thank you for the gift of feedback ( https://awesm.pl/OAPsurvey2018 ) on my birthday today!  

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