10 Life Lessons on Living Awesomely in Your 40’s! (Survey Says…)

Thanks to the OAP friends who answered the Survey on  Life Lessons on Living Awesomely in Your 40’s! Here are the results… (Copyright: goodluz / 123RF Stock Photo) Thank you for sharing your wisdom on how to be more effective and live an awesome life in your 40’s. I loved all your answers. I analyzed and … Continue reading 10 Life Lessons on Living Awesomely in Your 40’s! (Survey Says…)

One Awesome Adventure at a Time…

One thing I love about the Philippines is its abundance of adventure opportunities that await the most curious and adventurous in spirit. We have been exploring the country ever since we started our blog journey seven years ago, and we haven’t stopped. 🙂 I would like to share with you our 10 Awesome Experiences that … Continue reading One Awesome Adventure at a Time…

Why Filipino Christmas is the Best in the World

I’m a firm believer that the Filipino Christmas is the best in the world because of the Family Reunions and the Awesome Food during this season. To start the Christmas Advent Season, please share your Filipino Christmas photo that describes why Christmas in the Philippines is the best in the world!

OAP Readers Survey


*** June 19 Update: *** 250+ responses and counting. We are so thankful for all the support! I am reading each of the comments and listening to each one of them. You gave me a lot of good ideas on how we can take OAP to the next level. I will wait for a few more days before I close the survey. Salamat!

Havaianas: Flipping for the Beach Judging


I was happy to be one of the judges for the “Havaianas Flipping for the Beach” contest. Thanks to all OAP friends for all your support! I learned a lot as a judge and I want to share my learnings with you.