Gayuma ni Maria is Back!

Gayuma ni Maria was a cult favorite among Ateneans in their tiny store along Esteban Abada st.. Now, the daughter of Maria, Irene is resurrecting the same “aphrodisiac” restaurant concept near the Maginhawa Foodie st. in Sikatuna Village. Since Cucina Gayuma closed down already along Gilmore, it is about time for Gayuma ni Maria to take the baton and run away with this concept.

Wabi-Sabi’s Fernando Pho Jr. vs. Ramen Padilla

One of the unique restaurants hidden inside Malugay’s The Collective is Wabi-Sabi, the owner Ibarra’s Vegetarian Noodle House. Wabi-Sabi sums up the philosophy in life of the owner – anti-aesthetic, imperfect, unpretentious, in the moment, open and unconventional.

Van Marleys Dutchkins

Just a warning, the Dutchkins are very addictive. They are like soft, spongy pillows made of yeast and buckwheat flour. The serving size is typically 14 mini pancakes with powdered sugar toppings and a unique flavor. They are best eaten while hot.

The Best of Chef Laudico’s Bistro Filipino (with Lara Day)

Chef Laudico’s Bistro Filipino will turn 4 years old on October 10, 2010. This anniversary will be special because they are launching the Bistro Filipino Cook Book containing all their secret recipes. Also, they will be launching the Filipino Breakfast restaurant in the Ayala Triangle Gardens. I’m looking forward to that!

Chef Adrian Cuenca’s Bone Marrow and Truffles Burger!

The burger is starting to get a cult following since it is usually off the menu, you have to order it two-days in advanced (because of the bone marrow), and it is carefully prepared when you arrive in Elbert’s steakroom.
Was it worth the P1,100+ price tag?